Mini-site and Advertising Campaign

project goals:
Promoting the product in the digital arena by building a marketing mini-site that conveys the advantages of the product.

Design and building of a special mini-site and advertising campaign for Water Saver’s automatic water faucet, which saves up to 70% of household water consumption. The mini-site, which we designed and built using banners and edited ads, presented visitors with the product and its advantages and allowed ordering it.

Dedicated campaign minisite development
Dedicated campaign minisite development

During the work of the campaign we put a lot of attention on constructing the graphical concept, choosing a color scheme for the brand, and focusing on conveying the marketing messages visually. The web site is integrated and displays two similar products, for which the page design and background changes according to whether the product is premium or not, while maintaining an identical structure and similar hues in order to preserve the brand’s trajectories.

The website varies depending on the product
The website varies depending on the product
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